Real Estate RecordsReal estate records are filed in our office and we have records that date back to 1841 when the county was... More
Marriage LicenseThis office is responsible for issuing marriage licenses and for keeping records of all marriage licenses issued... More
Birth CertificatesOur office records and maintains vital records which include birth, death, and marriage certificates for these... More
Death CertificatesAnyone can get a copy of a vital record recorded in our office. However, NC law limits access to... More
The Register of Deeds office is the primary custodian of permanent records for the county. We record a variety of real property documents including deeds, deeds of trust, mortgage cancellations, powers of attorney, maps and others. The Vital Records Division maintains Caldwell County birth records, death records, marriage licenses issued in Caldwell County, Military Discharges, and Notary records.
I encourage you to explore the site and to learn about the services offered in our office. Our online records search can be accessed from this site and contains all of our real estate indexes since the formation of the county and images of all of our real estate documents from the early 1900's forward. Indexes of all our vital records can also be found there.
We strive to provide the best possible service to our customers and to protect and maintain the integrity of the records that are recorded with us, while providing open access to these public records. I welcome your feedback as to how well we are accomplishing that mission. If I or my staff can be of assistance to you, please don't hesitate to ask.